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The story behind the Candle


This beautiful signature Infinite Magic candle is gift me to you. In March of this year 2021.

Allison and I were feeling really good about our candles laughing and enjoying our selves and how happy they are turning out. I  just wondering what another special candle we could make for everyone. In that same moment I got a thought, why don’t you make two signature candles one from you and one  from Allison.

Then I instantly got the Magic candle and for Allison she got this Beautiful feminine strong sophisticated womanly candle. So we started putting hearts and minds together, to start our own signature candles.

Very excited we started working on them straight away.

So as I am working through my magic candle I kept getting in my head magic box. Very intriguing I thought to my self.


We  find the perfect jar, box and labels. That  we started from scratch, so we started creating  and design them straight way. We couldn’t wait.


This Beautiful, Elegant Signature Infinite Magic jar is matt black on the out side and rich gold inner on the inside of jar and a black lid. The labels are rich in gold and look beautiful, rich and magical.


Fragrance:   Annan Signature fragrance oil blend


The Annan signature  fragrance is so beautiful and sweet, earth spices, blends vanilla bean & embodied with exotic fruits.

Made in Australia, paraffin free, phthalate free, vegan friendly and not tested on animals.


So I haven’t smelled this before but for some reason I new this was it. So I took  leap of faith with the scent and money and bought it.


I received the small bottle of this signature fragrance and hesitant to smell it, but as I took the lid off I could  smell this sweet notes of strawberry, rich exotic fruits and vanilla. 

It was exactly what the Infinite magic candle was looking for. Such a delicious smell.


What does this candle do

My heart intension and my alchemy energy know how. This candle is been created to *Awaken the true love and magic in your heart to share with your self and others. 

*To help bring out your personal magic into your life.

*To bring joy, love and harmony into your space and home, wherever you can light your Magic candle.

*You feel the need to put magic into everything you do.

*Know you are magical and special

  • feeling and smelling the magic and  sweetness of life
  • True heart magic does happen


The Signature Infinite Magic candle will send waves of sweet magical nectar and magic through you and your home and this candle makes for a very special gift for those very special people in your life or for someone who needs some sweet Magic back into their lives again.

Each of these Infinite magic candles have received my magic heart space essence to help awaken that beautiful magic heart, that everyone has.


Burn Time: 33hrs

Size: 180 grames / Medium

100% Soy Wax


From my Magical heart to your magical heart please enjoy this Beautiful Infinite Magic Signature candle. ❤️

Jayson's Signature Magic Candle

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